Influencer Opportunity - VACAYA

Pink Media - a company with INFLUENCE!
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Influencer Opportunity - VACAYA

Leverage your social influence to promote VACAYA
in exchange for cash, vacation credit, or possibly a free vacation!



Introducing an incredible new opportunity for LGBTQ Travel Influencers to join VACAYA as Social Media Ambassadors on their inaugural cruise to Provincetown August 11-18, 2019, with stops in Bar Harbor, Maine and St. John, New Brunswick in Canada.

The Offer: As a VACAYA Ambassador, you would receive a Promo Code that you could promote with your posts done on behalf of VACAYA. For every sale that comes from your followers using the promo code at check out, you would receive your choice of either $50 cash or $75 credit toward a VACAYA vacation.

If this is of interest to you, contact us here to get started.


Additional Offer For Select LGBTQ Travel Influencers: For selected LGBTQ Travel Influencers applying to become VACAYA Ambassadors, we will be offering additional opportunities, including a cash payment for marketing services and/or a complimentary cabin on the Provincetown Cruise. Part of the criteria for becoming one of these Select VACAYA Ambassadors is as follows:

  • Can you promote this event in advance via your social media channels, as well as during and then after? After the cruise, are you able to put together a summary blog post and/or video of your experiences, including embedded social media posts, and share via your social media networks as well?

  • Are you a writer as well? Would you be willing and able to write an article and/or blog post about this cruise, both in advance getting your audience and followers excited about the cruise, and a second one after the cruise, summarizing your experiences, along with embedded social media posts?
      - if yes to being a writer, can you send links to some of your writing examples?

  • Are you strong on YouTube? Would you be willing and able to create a video about this cruise, both in advance getting your audience and followers excited the cruise, and a second one after the cruise, summarizing your experiences?
      - if yes to being a strong YouTuber, can you send links to some of your video examples?

  • We are open to other ideas and suggestions on how you, as a VACAYA Ambassador, can go above and beyond in letting the LGBTQ travel community know about our exciting cruises and travel packages.

If this is of interest to you, contact us here to get started.


Cruise Info:

  • DATES: AUGUST 11-18, 2019
  • CRUISE SHIP: Celebrity Summit, fresh from her multi-million-dollar Revolution refresh
  • EMBARKATION/DEBARKATION: NYC Cape Liberty Cruise Port:
  • PORTS: Saint John, Canada | Bar Harbor, Maine | Provincetown, Massachusetts
  • DETAILS: VACAYA's 7-night Ptown cruise will not only make history by being the largest all-LGBT+ cruise to ever sail to Ptown Carnival, but it's also the largest ship to ever overnight in Provincetown! More info can be found here:

Current Ptown Cruise Retail Rates: (as of 4/9/19)

  • Ptown Deluxe Veranda Stateroom: Up to $2597 per person, double occupancy.
  • Ptown Oceanview Stateroom: Up to $2047 per person, double occupancy.
  • Ptown Inside Stateroom: Up to $1497 per person, double occupancy.

Rules & Guidelines for this Campaign:

  1. Campaign Hashtag: #MyVacaya

  2. We ask that all VACAYA Ambassadors adhere to these FTC Influencer Guidelines.
    FTC Endorsement Guidelines

  3. You can post your promo code on any private group, page, your own website, social feeds. Examples:

  4. You are restricted from posting your promo code publicly to the following VACAYA branded pages, Group or Event. In fairness to all Ambassadors, we will ask you to delete them. That said, you are welcome to engage guests within these social spaces but just don't promote your promo code there.

  5. We have found promo codes to be most effective when you add an incentive to entice your audience to use your promo code. We suggest "Use promo code __________________ to be invited to an exclusive VIP event onboard".

  6. Please do not use the VACAYA brand name in the title of any social media pages, groups or events that you create. This campaign is about introducing the VACAYA brand to your followers through your branded channels and spheres of influence.

  7. When writing VACAYA in a sentence, always capitalize all letters.

  8. COMPANION: If you'd like to bring a companion along that is not an influencer, VACAYA charges for this second person. Current rates are reflected above + taxes and gratuity.

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